- Personal pensions
- Self-Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs)
- Stakeholder pensions
- Defined-contribution occupational schemes
- Free-standing additional voluntary contribution (FSAVC) plans
- Executive pension plans (EPPs)
- Section 32 (buyout) plans
- Defined benefit schemes (for example final salary pension schemes), but please read the information below

Moving a pension
Over your working life, you may build up savings in several pension accounts. Bringing them together could make them easier to manage and may help you save on costs and charges.

It’s your pension, no-one else’s. Change your investments when you want and learn how you can create a retirement income.

Bringing your pensions together could make them easier to manage.

Lower costs
It could be cheaper, as we don’t charge a service fee and you will only pay for your investments.

With over 50 years’ investing experience, more than 1 million UK customers entrust their investments to Fidelity.*

Better estimates
Estimates we make about how much money you might have when you retire may be more comprehensive if your pensions are combined.
Important points you need to think about
It’s important to understand that pension transfers are a complex area and may not be suitable for everyone. Before going ahead with a pension transfer, we strongly recommend that you undertake a full comparison of the benefits, charges and features offered. For more information please read Fidelity’s transfer factsheet and speak to an authorised financial adviser before you make a decision.
The value of investments can go down as well as up, so you may get back less than you invest. Tax treatment and eligibility to invest in a pension depends on personal circumstances. All pension and tax rules may change in the future. The minimum age you can normally access your pension benefits is currently 55 but is due to rise to 57 on 6 April 2028.
If you are looking to access benefits following your transfer, such as withdrawing a tax-free lump sum, purchasing an annuity, or using pension drawdown to withdraw money from your pension as a lump sum or regular income, you are eligible for Pension Wise guidance. Pension Wise is a free government-backed service provided by MoneyHelper which helps you understand how you can take money from your pension pot. Further information on Pension Wise, including how to book an appointment, can be found within our transfer application form or by visiting www.moneyhelper.org.uk/pension-wise
Here are some common questions about moving your pension:
- Will I lose any valuable benefits if I move my pension? Some pensions guarantee you a certain level of income, or say you can retire early, or let you take more than the usual 25% of your account as tax-free cash. It is likely that you lose benefits like these if you transfer.
- Will a transfer affect the age I can start taking money from my pension? Currently you can start withdrawing money from most pensions when you are 55 but this is due to rise to age 57 on 6 April 2028. Your current pension may protect your right to withdraw your money at age 55 even after 6 April 2028, so transferring now may mean you have to wait longer to withdraw your money. You should check this carefully with both your current and your new pension provider before taking any action to transfer your money.
- Will there be any exit fees? Some pension providers charge exit fees (Fidelity don’t). You should check to see if there are any exit charges or penalties if you transfer out of your current pension, as this could impact its future value.
- How could a transfer affect my investments? It is likely that your current pension company will have to sell your investments and send the proceeds to your new provider as cash, and you can then choose new investments. This means there is a period when your money is not invested, and you could lose out if markets rise in value. On the other hand, you might benefit if markets fall. You also need to remember that the value of any investment you choose can go down as well as up so you may get back less than you invest.
Transferring a pension into your BNP Paribas Pension
Currently, you are able to move the following types of pensions into your BNP Paribas Pension:

Ready to transfer your pension?
Start the pension transfer process online using your PlanViewer account.
Alternatively, you can print and complete our Pension Transfer form and return it to us to get started.
Go to PlanViewer Download form