Approaching retirement
As you approach retirement, you might need to think about whether you’ll have enough money to retire, what other savings you might have and what income options will be available to you. We can help you every step of the way with our tools, calculators and our retirement service team.
Managing your savings
Saving in your 50s and 60s
Deciding when to take your benefits and retire is a balancing act between what you hope for and the reality of a retirement that may last two or three decades. You can remove a lot of uncertainty by making sure you have a retirement plan.
Saving in your 50s and 60sPension allowances and tax benefits
Find out how to make tax relief work for you and check the current pension allowances that can help you to maximise your retirement income.
Pension allowances and tax benefitsYour retirement income
Choosing income options
You have more choice and flexibility in how you set up your retirement income than ever before. So there are more things to consider – tax rules, legislation, the decisions you make now, all of these will affect the options available to you in the future.
Choosing income optionsTax-free cash
Many pensions allow you to take tax-free cash from your savings, usually up to 25% from the age of 55 (57 from 2028). However, there are a few important things to think about.
Tax-free cashWorkplace Investing Service Centre
Our Workplace Investing Service Centre can help you every step of the way as you decide how best to use your retirement savings and ensures you have the information you need as you consider your options.
Retirement service centreHow much is enough to retire?
None of us really know how long we’ll live or what spending demands will be placed upon us during retirement. Fidelity has worked to produce three retirement rules of thumb which can help you understand how much you’ll need to enjoy a retirement that meets your expectations.
How much is enough to retire?